
Visiting the Oasis is an experience that starts in the Mount Hacho. Its 200 metres of altitude allows you to enjoy panoramic views of the Mediterranean coast, the south side of the Iberian Peninsula and northeast side of the African continent. In this natural environment, you can find a varied vegetation and on the top of the hill there is a magnificent fortress whose origin is Byzantine. In addition, this mount is considered, according to Greek mythology, one of the two columns of Hercules. The other one is Gibraltar. Come enter our home and yours now too.

Our home

You must see it

The restaurant is a cozy place, with the same essence of the small tea room that it used to be at the beginning. The restaurant continues to be a welcoming space where one may begin an adventure full of pleasure due to its bright colors and wide array of flavors.

Classic room

Palatial details

You will be in love with this room because it has amazing arabic craftwork that contributes to providing a warm and enchanting atmosphere.

Light room

Panoramic room

Among the many excellences of Ceuta is its luminosity, it's a happiness that transmits in this place and allows you taste our dishes and enjoy the views of sea, mount and city.

Tea room

A balcony by the Strait

To finish the visit, you can have our traditional Arabic tea with artisan pastas while overlooking the union of the Mediterranean sea and Atlantic Ocean.